
Michelle loves peanut butter chocolate smoothies and celebrating all the seasons to the fullest. If someone can be too organized, it might be her. She and her husband, Adam, are the parents of two children and “adopted” parents of several college kids who come to their home for General Conference weekends and holidays. They have lived in the Pacific Northwest, upstate New York, New England, the Mid-Atlantic; and Utah. She first became interested in helping those with same-sex attraction when she came across “In Quiet Desperation” at the bookstore and stood, riveted, reading most of it in the aisle. Several years later, she learned of North Star International and its purpose to help those in the LGBTQ community “come unto Christ” and remain faithful to his teachings. She and her husband love attending North Star events and learning from this community. They are lovingly known as the “straight advocates” who come to events simply to give encouragement and support. She loves the Lord and seeing His light come back into the eyes of those who have felt abandoned and frightened by their experience with same-sex attraction.