Upcoming Events…

North Star Christmas Devotional

December 10, 2023 at 6 pm

Christmas Musical Fireside | Share In The Light of Christ

Come join us for a Musical Christmas Fireside dedicated to remembering the birth of the Savior and sharing in His light.  The fireside will include a variety of musical numbers and testimonies from members and friends of our North Star community.

We are looking for a few additional musical numbers. If you are interested in sharing your musical talents at the Christmas Musical Fireside, please contact Emily Carter at 209-923-1480 or emily.carter@northstarsaints.org.

North Star Annual Conference

June 20-22, 2024

In Person | Sheraton Hotel, Salt Lake City, UT

The North Star Conference is an invaluable resource for individuals who experience same-sex attraction or gender dysphoria and wish to live a Christ-centered, covenant- keeping life filled with peace and joy.

Join us for an inspirational and revelatory experience as we gather together as a community of LGBTQ saints, family members, friends, and church leaders to learn, grow, and find “Strength Beyond My Own” through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Keynote speakers, musical performers, and breakout sessions are planned to uplift and inspire. Full Conference tickets include lunch on Friday and Saturday. Check back often for registration information and program details.

North Star Spring Fireside

April 8, 2023 at 6 pm

Why I Stay in the Gospel of Jesus Christ | Erik Thompson and Kayla Hiser

Kayla and Erik share their personal stories of same-sex attraction, addiction and how Jesus Christ is the answer. The fireside includes ASL Interpretation.

2023 North Star Prior Conference Recordings

June 2023

Sheraton Hotel | Salt Lake City, UT

If you missed the conference, want to watch breakout sessions you missed, or your favorite breakout or keynote sessions again you can purchased the North Star Conference recordings.

The North Star Conference is an invaluable resource for individuals who experience same-sex attraction or gender dysphoria and wish to live a Christ-centered life full of peace and joy. Listen to keynote addresses and dozens of breakout sessions featuring church leaders, scholars, therapists, and entertainers from the Christian community.

You will hear firsthand accounts of individuals and families as they navigate the complex journey of reconciling faith with sexual orientation and gender identity. Family members and church leaders who seek to create an environment of love and understanding will benefit from sessions designed specifically for those providing support to loved ones and those within their stewardship.