Julio & Brittany

Brittany and Julio love adventures. When they first started dating, they discovered that they could talk for countless hours during various road trips. Since then, their conversation has never stopped. The most exciting adventure they have embarked on so far was inviting their daughter Laleah to join them in this adventure on earth. Most recently, the three of them drove from Toronto to DC and back. At only 4 months old, Laleah was a champ! Laleah can already sit on her own and pull herself up to stand in her crib, waiting for Mom and Dad to free her. They love spending their spare time together as a family. In this video, this fully Colo(u)mbian family share their love for the Savior and explain to you why they remain #TrueToHim (Julio is from Colombia, South America, and Brittany is from British Columbia, Canada).