Share in the Light of Christ: A Reflection on Christmas


Hello, dear North Star friends! As we deck the halls this Christmas season and the air fills with the scents of the holidays, our hearts and thoughts turn to the wondrous birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  In a season illuminated by bright lights and cheerful colors, let us allow the Light of Christ to shine brighter within us and share that divine light with others. 

The Christmas season indeed is heartwarming, for many it brings families and friends together, filled with traditions and love. For others, it can bring back aspects of heartache for the loss of relationships and loved ones. Yet, the true essence of Christmas lies in recognizing and appreciating the 'Light of the World', Jesus Christ.

The Christmas lights that twinkle in our homes and on our streets, and the lights of the Christmas trees remind us of the divine light Jesus Christ brought into the world. Each little light bulb offers a tiny tribute to Christ, who fills our life with truth and guidance. A new star appeared in the sky when Christ was born! Just as the wise men followed that heavenly light to find Jesus, we too can use the Light of Christ as a 'liahona', guiding us on our own personal, spiritual journeys.

As disciples of Christ, we hold a firm testimony of the Light of Christ, the influence that encourages all to do good and be good. This Christmas season, let's enthusiastically share this light!

How, you ask? Just as Jesus Christ served and loved unconditionally, we too can light up our surroundings by embodying these virtues. To share in the Light of Christ, we can make our Christmas more about giving than receiving. Service was at the heart of Jesus Christ's life, and by serving others, we follow His footsteps and reflect His light. 

May I offer some additional ideas?  Connect with one another: your friends and neighbors. Maybe there is someone who could use a Christmas dinner or some cheerful company. Reach out, listen to their experiences, and show them love in word and deed. Perhaps somebody is going through a tough time and could use help with their burdens. Assist them. Let the love of Christ reflect in your actions.

I recently heeded the impression to seek out a North Star friend. We arranged to meet and catch up on the happenings in our lives.  What was a small action meant so much to both of us following the visit.  Their text to me the following day summed up both of our feelings, “It was exactly what I needed!”  A similar act of “Sharing in the Light of Christ” was shown to my wife Courtney, just the other day when a North Star friend sent her an unexpected card with a small treat.  Simple, small acts of light bring bright beams of joy into the hearts of our dear siblings in Christ.

Remember, every act of kindness, no matter how small, helps the Light of Christ shine brighter in this world, penetrating the corners of darkness, and bringing hope, peace, and love.

So, this joyful season, let us strive to change our "Christmas lights" from mere decor to 'deeds' that manifest the Light of Christ. After all, we all play a vital part in sharing and spreading His divine light. 

May this Christmas illuminate our lives with the pure Light of Christ. Merry Christmas, dear friends!


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